All pupils at Baginton Fields School have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Our pupils’ primary need is a learning difficulty, which could be a moderate, severe or profound/complex learning difficulty. In addition to learning difficulty, some pupils may have additional needs such as autism, social and communication difficulties, complex medical or physical needs or a sensory impairment.
We welcome visits to the school from parents and carers who are considering Baginton Fields School as a possible school for their child. Please ring us on 02476 3030 854 to book a tour of the school. During your tour, a senior member of staff will show you around the school; you will have an opportunity to look around our learning spaces, meet some of our staff and pupils as well as ask any questions you may have.
If you feel that Baginton Fields School could meet your child’s needs, you will then have to let your Local Authority know of your thoughts. A change of school or placement is usually requested through the Annual Review process or, in some situations, you can discuss this directly with the Local Authority. All parents have a choice of the school that they would like their child to attend.
Before a child is able to attend Baginton Fields School, your Local Authority will have to agree that we are an appropriate school for them. After this has been agreed, the Local Authority will then formally write to us asking for a place. This letter will be accompanied by your child’s EHCP and any other supporting documents.
Our team will look very carefully at your child’s EHCP to be certain that we are able to offer all that is on the EHCP. It is very important to us that we are able to meet the needs of the pupils who are referred to us; we will also consider whether we have an appropriate peer group for your child.
If our team consider that we will be able to meet your child’s needs, that we have a place in an appropriate peer group, we will then inform the Local Authority, offering a place. The Local Authority will liaise directly with you.
To request a visit to our school, please contact or telephone 02476 303 854.
Coventry Local Authority, SEN Management Services handle admission arrangements:
Civic Centre 2
Earl Street
Tel: 024 76 831588