Home Learning
Key considerations:
EHCP targets: use your child’s EHCP to guide personalised learning activities.
Flexibility: Your child will benefit from shorter sessions, hands-on activities and sensory breaks.
Accessible materials: resources are to be adapted for their specific needs e.g. audio, visual aids.
Parental and school support: It is important that parents and school collaborate to maintain consistency between home and school learning approaches.
Learning strategies:
Structured routine: create visual timetables with symbols or pictures for predictability or 'Now and Next' boards. Use timers to mark transitions between activities.
Multisensory Approaches: incorporate touch, sound, visuals and movement to reinforce concepts.
Technology and Assistive Tools: use apps, programs or devices tailored for communication or learning e.g. text-to-speech software https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/.
Skill Development: focus on life skills (cooking, cleaning, social interactions). Include functional literacy and numeracy tasks.
Recommended resources:
General Resources:
- Twinkl SEND Resources: adapted worksheets and lesson plans.
- TES Special Needs Section: A variety of activities and templates.
- Oak National Academy https://www.thenational.academy/
- Class Dojo for communication and recording evidence.
Interactive Learning Tools:
- Studyladder www.studyladder.co.uk/
- Purple Mash www.purplemash.com/sch/baginton-fields-school#/
- BBC Bitesize SEN www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zycsg2p
- BBC Games www.bbc.co.uk/games
- Scratch Online https://scratch.mit.edu/
- Doorway www.doorwayonline.org.uk/
- Happy Clicks www.happyclicks.net/
- Help Kids Learn www.helpkidzlearn.com/
- Shiny Learning www.shinylearning.co.uk/freegames/
- Tinkercard www.tinkercad.com/login
- YouTube Kids www.youtubekids.com/
- Widgit Online: visual tools to support communication and understanding https://widgitonline.com/en/home
- Zones of Regulation: tools to help students understand and manage emotions. https://zonesofregulation.com/
- GoNoodle: fun movement and mindfulness activities. www.gonoodle.com/
- Sensory play: use homemade sensory bins, Play Doh or textured materials.
- Art and Creativity: adapt art projects with large tools or assistive devices.
- Cooking Together: simple recipes help develop fine motor skills, sequencing and maths.
- Outdoor Learning: gardening, nature walks or scavengers’ hunts.
Parent Networks: join groups on Facebook or X, local SEND forums for advice.
Helplines: IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice) for legal rights and National Autistic Society for tailored strategies.