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Safeguarding Policies

Here at Baginton Fields, we strive to make sure all our students are safe in school, at home, online and in the community. Our staff are here to keep everyone safe and promote personal safety and well-being. All staff and volunteers working at our school have a responsibility to report concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Franck Lavie or in his absence the Deputy DSL's.

We record all concerns to CPOMS which is a leading software solution for monitoring Safeguarding, wellbeing and all pastoral issues. 

Safeguarding and Internet Safety are part of the everyday curriculum, school ethos and value. Staff have undertaken training that includes Prevent and Radicalisation, Signs of Safety, Working together to Safeguard Children Level 2, Safer Recruitment, etc. 

We celebrate the training that staff have undertaken as well as the many safeguarding projects and initiatives carried out with students. These includes Protective Behaviour and NSPCC  

Should you have any concerns, you can contact a member of the school safeguarding team - on 02476 303 854.